Thursday, July 29, 2010

Are you living your dream?

“The poor man is not he who is without a cent, but he who is without a dream” -- Harry Kemp.

My passion is to assist people in remembering and then achieving their dreams!

I am happy to announce a wonderfully inspiring recording, "Every Challenge has a Solution," that is now available from my office. Handouts are also included in the $15 price.

In the presentation, I share practical tools that will help you find a solution to any and all challenges that you are experiencing in your life so that you are living your dream. Let's let this great experience called Life be fun, rewarding, and fulfilling!

To order, email me at or call my office at 817-261-6044. You will be richly rewarded!

Free support: Every day I post positive thoughts on Twitter.
I would love for you to utilize these thoughts to uplift you, day after day!

Many people are being challenged right now in various areas of their lives. Let's take the high road and use tools that are available to us for creating a life that really works.

Much love to you!
And as my Uncle Harold always said, "Straight Ahead!"

Monday, July 5, 2010

Clarity about Living on Purpose--From my Upcoming Book

My First Message about my Purpose
In 1970 I received my first clear message about my Purpose. Two of my flower child friends and I rode a couple of hours drive west of Ft. Worth Texas to Possum Kingdom Lake. It was barely daybreak when we arrived. Somehow I got it that if I could get to the top of one of the mesas that surrounded the area of the lake I would receive some kind of an important message.
I had many obstacles to overcome in my determination to reach the spot that I was drawn to. My passion to reach the top of the mesa overshadowed my fear of heights. The sandstone crumbled beneath my feet. I got a large barbed thorn in the side of my thigh. I pulled it out and kept going. My eye caught sight of a rock that was yellow on the left side and red on the right side. Gazing at the rock, I knew that the message was that either you do it or you don’t. There is no “sort of” doing.
In the movie, “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” Indiana Jones thinks he has found where the Ark is hidden. Indiana notices that the floor appears to be moving. When a torch is dropped into the darkness, Indiana realizes that the movement on the floor is snakes. Indiana rolls back and says, “Snakes. Why does it have to be snakes?” Snakes were his greatest fear.
My greatest fear, even greater than my fear of heights, was my fear of spiders. As I approached the top of the mesa, I came to a grove of cedar trees whose branches were almost touching the ground. Black spiders had woven their webs like a thick tapestry from one tree to another. The webs were like a force field with spiders tending each and every one of them. I made an assessment and realized that because of the rocks and cliffs, there was no other way to reach the top of the mesa but to go through the grove of cedar trees. I got on my belly, apologized to the spiders and explained that I was on a mission and that in order to complete my mission, I had to go through their homes. Through the thick webs I went, sending out peace and asking for pardon. The distance may have been only about 10 feet, yet I promise you it seemed like it took hours to get through the grove.
The sun came up over the mesas to the East and shone on a little clearing. I knew that was where I was to go to receive my message. I found my perfect spot in the clearing, held a rock in one hand and a stick in the other to ground myself. As the sun touched my body, I heard very clearly the words, “Feed the People!”
About that time my 2 friends reached the clearing. I was deep into my spiritual experience and kept my eyes closed. I heard them frantically exclaiming, “Let’s get out of here! There is a bumble bee nest in the ground!” They promptly left.
I have always thought that it was interesting that the bumble bees didn’t bother me and that I apparently didn’t bother them, even though the nest was just a few feet away from where I knelt.
I wasn’t quite sure what to make of the message that I had received that day. What I noticed though was that as the days unfolded, several things began to occur. I decided that I wanted to plant a garden. I researched organic gardening, invited several of my Flower Child friends to come and turn the Earth, and had one of the first organic gardens in the area. People came in droves to learn what I was doing there.
Next, I had become vegetarian. My diet centered around brown rice and unleavened whole wheat bread. My kitchen became a meeting place for people to learn how to cook natural food from scratch.
Then I started a food co-op, Natural Goodness Farms. The co-op created an avenue for people to purchase whole, organic, natural food.
In time, I realized that I was living my Purpose. I was living the message that I had heard at daybreak on the mesa, “Feed the People.”

Are you on Purpose with your life today? If the answer is no, then I urge you to take some time to get quiet, spend some time with yourself and realize what that Purpose is. Then take the steps to live your life on Purpose. It is a decision you will always be happy that you made. If the answer is yes, the celebrate your Purpose today!!