Thursday, December 16, 2010

I Choose to Embrace What I DO Have

Christmas can be a time of great joy. Christmas can also be a time of great sadness. What causes the difference? Sadness abounds when a person focuses on what they do NOT have. This was brought home to me just this last week.

Decorating for Christmas is so much fun for me! I remembered that my precious daughter in love, Tisha, had adorned a special ornament with a large bow and tied it to the leg of a table in my den. The ornament is a red ball with a dog sitting on top. My previous dog's name, Miracle, was engraved on the red ball. I looked forward to finding the ornament and tying it to the leg of the table once again. As I was tying the bow around the leg, I suddenly got this heavy feeling. I felt some sadness. I felt a sense of loss. Miracle had made her transition last December 30th. All of the goodies Miracle got to eat last Christmas was a part of our farewell to her.

Suddenly I thought, "What am I doing here? Why am I going back into the past? I have a GREAT new dog, Grace! How about I embrace having Grace instead of feeling sad that I no longer have Miracle?"

I took the ornament down and placed it back in the box. I found Grace and gave her a big hug and thanked her for being my precious doggie companion.

I choose today to embrace what I DO have instead of focusing on what I DON'T have. This is a much happier way to live!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Two Wolves

Two Wolves
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves.”
“One is Evil. It is anger, envy, fear, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, hate, superiority and ego.”
The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather,
“Which wolf wins?”
The old Cherokee simply replied,
“The one you feed.”
Energy Flows Where Attention Goes
A friend shared with me the news about a horrible accident involving an SUV going way too fast, hitting another SUV and then hitting a guardrail. The friend said, “That would be something to see. Maybe I can watch it on the news.” I thought to myself, “Why in the world would you want to watch that and have that in your reality?” Two nights later, that same friend called me with shaky voice. An SUV driving at very high speed had swerved right in front of my friend, then swerved back into the adjoining lane, hit another SUV and the 2 SUVs collided, throwing one of them into the guardrail. He got what he wanted. He got to see “it”. My friend had spoken his word and the words were acted upon by the Universe very quickly.

Today is a great day to make a commitment to watch your thoughts and your words to be certain that you are creating a great life for yourself. Feed the good wolf and let that be the wolf that wins in your life!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

No Unfulfilled Desires!

The doorbell rang at 5:30 p.m. I was on day 36 of the prosperity plan as outlined in John Randolph Price's wonderful book, The Abundance Book. The meditation for that day was: "My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires, and as the Principle of Supply in action, it s impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires."

On Sunday evening, I had made a list of what I wanted to accomplish personally for the week. On the list was to get my pool squared away for the winter. I needed to assess what pool covers I had, and in order to do that, I wanted a strong man to get all the boxes down that had all the covers in them.The boxes were heavy and cumbersome, and were on a high shelf in my garage.

The man at the door was a gentleman that helps me with heavy stuff in the yard. He needed a letter written for him. Perfect! I said, "Great! I need some boxes taken down from the shelf. Would you please do that while I write the letter?"

The boxes came down, the letter was written, and I was reminded of the meditation for the day. Our good can come in so many ways when we are truly committed to having our lives work! It was so easy! What I know is that if I had been thinking "I can't, I don't have, etc." it would not have crossed my mind to ask him for help.

Today, I invite you to make a commitment to hold the thought that your "inner supply" is at work for you, fulfilling all of your needs and desires!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Let it go!

I began to sense that the romantic relationship that I had been involved in was coming to a close. I really didn't want to accept what I knew to be true. One day a beautiful client brought me a piece of paper on which were the wise words of T. D. Jakes. I knew when I read these words, that my client was a messenger, letting me know that what I sensed was indeed right on and that it was time to let the relationship go. I share this with you today in hopes that you are walking in integrity with your guidance, and enjoying the great freedom and empowerment that results.

"There are people who can walk away from you. And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you, let them walk. I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone. When people can walk away from you let them walk. Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left. ....People leave you because they are not joined to you. And if they are not joined to you, you can't make them stay. Let them go. And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person, it just means that their part in the story is over. And you've got to know when people's part in your story is over so that you don't keep trying to raise the dead. You've got to know when it's dead. You've got to k now when it's over. Let me tell you something...I've got the gift of good-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift; I believe in good-bye. It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'm faithful.... And it it takes too much sweat I don't need it. Stop begging people to stay. Let them go!! If you are holding onto something that doesn't belong to you and was never intended for your life, then you need to ....LET IT GO!!! If you are holding on to past hurts or pains...LET IT GO!!If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and see your worth...LET IT GO!!! If someone has angered you...LET IT GO!!! If you are holding onto some thoughts of revenge...LET IT GO!!! If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction....LET IT GO!!! If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or talents>>>LET IT GO!!! If you have a bad attitude...LET IT GO!!!If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better...LET IT GO!!! If you are stuck in the past...LET It GO!!! If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship...LET IT GO!!! If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try to help themselves...LET IT GO!!! If you're feeling depressed and stressed..... LET IT GO!!!" T.D. Jakes

Friday, September 3, 2010

Stand at the Doorway of your Thoughts!

Stand at the doorway of your mind and allow only thoughts of that which you desire to experience cross your mental threshold.
Just as Pavlov, the father of unconscious conditioned response, trained his dogs to associate the ringing of a bell with the appearance of food, you can train your mind to associate each new day with infinite possibilities, and the belief that you can have whatever it is that you desire. As automatic as the dogs’ salivating when they heard the bell ringing, you will automatically assume that there are infinite possibilities for the new day and proceed to create your good.
You must stand at the doorway of your mind, and allow only good to enter. Remembering that thoughts are things, and whatever is in your consciousness is what will show up in your world, you will begin to cherish and protect your mind as your most valuable asset in creating your life.
One night many years ago I was driving to a class on my way back from therapy in Dallas. My night vision wasn’t the greatest at that juncture in my life, and I was still spacey from doing some deep inner child healing. (We didn't have the techniques to close the inner child files and be sure that a person is fully back in the present that we have now.) I took the exit and then turned before I had crossed the median without realizing my mistake. In a moment I noticed that there were headlights coming my way in the lane in which I was traveling. I assessed the lane situation and realized that I had turned too quickly and was going southbound on a northbound side of the street. I simply made a u-turn and got on the side of the street where I needed to be. Everything was fine. No big deal. The oncoming cars were still about 2 blocks away.
Suddenly, “the voice” started. You know the voice. It is the voice of the inner critic. The words I heard were, “You can’t do anything right! Now you are going to be late! You should have been paying more attention!” I realized that these thoughts were not rational. They were how one of my parents taught me to talk to myself. I began to shake with anxiety.

Then I took charge of the situation. At the top of my lungs I shouted, “SHUT UP!!” The voice stopped, and my body calmed down.

The few moments of discomfort were surely worth the lesson that I learned. I spoke my word. I chose what was real for me. I decided how my world would be. And I came to peace.

Today you can stand at the doorway of your thoughts and create the world you would like to live in. Enjoy your life. It is your choice!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Are Your Relationships Healthy?

The Karpman Relationship Drama Triangle is a very common, yet very destructive way of relating. Many of us hop on this triangle without realizing we are doing it.

The following story makes the dynamics of the Relationship (Karpman) Drama Triangle easily understood.
The woman makes dinner. The alcoholic husband, usually home by six o’clock, does not arrive. By six thirty, the wife is becoming irritated. The children are hungry and she feeds them. By seven o’clock, she is beginning to become angry. By nine o’clock, she is furious, feeling she has been victimized now for three hours by his behavior. Certainly this was not the first time. Up to this point, she is operating as the Victim on the triangle. By eleven, he has still not arrived, and she becomes worried. She calls her best friend to come stay with the sleeping children. The children safely with the friend, she leaves in her car to go find him and bring him home. She has now moved into the Rescuer role, seeing him as a Victim who is unable to take care of himself. By midnight, she has located him, quite drunk at a bar. She drags him to the car and to the safety of their home. She gets him in bed. Once she takes off his shoes, she moves into the Persecutor role and starts in on him, “How could you do this to me? How could you do this to your children?” And on and on she goes. All throughout the evening, the alcoholic has been in the Victim role, where he is most comfortable. He has had enough of her persecuting, and starts in on her. “If you weren’t so fat, I might want to come home. Who would want to come home and listen to your mouth?” Now he has become the Persecutor. Her feelings are hurt, and she wonders if there is some validity to what he is saying. She feels helpless to establish the kind of relationship that she wants to have with her husband. She is now in the Victim role.
The rule is that the Rescuer always becomes the Victim. I have never seen an exception to this rule.
The next morning, seeing that he has victimized his wife, he is full of remorse and becomes the Rescuer. He makes promises and tries to make her feel better. She has hope for an improved relationship, trusting that her efforts to rescue him will someday transform him. She will continue to rescue him, and then become his Victim, over and over again. The pattern will repeat, over and over again until they both become aware of what they are doing. I met a woman at an Al-Anon meeting who had rescued her alcoholic husband for thirteen years. They owned a parts store. He got drunk during lunch, and she would cover for him all afternoon while he lay in the back room drunk. Once again, the Rescuer becomes the Victim.

Take a moment and ask yourself, "Is there someone that I am rescuing in my life? Am I a person looking for a rescue?" If so, I encourage you to get some help to find your self-actualization, take care of yourself, and live a happier life with much more rewarding relationships!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Are you behind a Rock?

I love Harry Potter! I realized that I had not seen the latest movie, "Half Blood Prince." Because it had been awhile since I had watched the previous movies, I decided to start at the beginning and watch them all the way through to the "Half Blood Prince."

What I noticed was that Harry was phenomenally brave in all scenarios up until the "Goblet of Fire." Harry faced challenge after challenge without flinching and with confidence that could serve as a model to us all.
Something happened though during the "Goblet of Fire" movie. Harry was scared. Harry was scared about being in the TriWizard Tournament. Harry was scared about facing the Hungarian Horn Tail dragon. He was scared to go into the Black Lake. He had a basic attitude of, "Yeah right. Like I can really do this stuff."

This attitude was so very unlike Harry who had even learned to produce the Patronus charm at his young and tender age. Throughout all the previous battles and obstacles, Harry had continued to have the "I can handle this; I will figure out a way" attitude.

Now Harry was scared. He faced the most dreaded opponent, the Dark Lord Voldemort. Voldemort had amassed his dark, evil intentioned troops to support him while he killed Harry. Harry hid behind a rock. Suddenly, something happened. Harry's face changed. Harry found his determination, got out his wand and came from behind the rock with invincible determination. Harry stood tall and faced the powerful Voldemort. Because of the strength of Harry's determination, benevolent forces of love came and enfolded him. Harry escaped and had saved his life though his determination.

Is there some area of your life where you are hiding behind a rock in fear, lack of confidence, cloaked in beliefs that you can not do what you want to do and what you know must be done in order for you to be truly free and happy?

Come out! Remember your strength! Remember all the times and ways that you have faced a challenge and have come out winning, triumphant against the odds! Take a deep breath and say to yourself, "I am doing this. I am enough to succeed!!!!" Then take the steps to arrive at that next step in your dream.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Are you living your dream?

“The poor man is not he who is without a cent, but he who is without a dream” -- Harry Kemp.

My passion is to assist people in remembering and then achieving their dreams!

I am happy to announce a wonderfully inspiring recording, "Every Challenge has a Solution," that is now available from my office. Handouts are also included in the $15 price.

In the presentation, I share practical tools that will help you find a solution to any and all challenges that you are experiencing in your life so that you are living your dream. Let's let this great experience called Life be fun, rewarding, and fulfilling!

To order, email me at or call my office at 817-261-6044. You will be richly rewarded!

Free support: Every day I post positive thoughts on Twitter.
I would love for you to utilize these thoughts to uplift you, day after day!

Many people are being challenged right now in various areas of their lives. Let's take the high road and use tools that are available to us for creating a life that really works.

Much love to you!
And as my Uncle Harold always said, "Straight Ahead!"

Monday, July 5, 2010

Clarity about Living on Purpose--From my Upcoming Book

My First Message about my Purpose
In 1970 I received my first clear message about my Purpose. Two of my flower child friends and I rode a couple of hours drive west of Ft. Worth Texas to Possum Kingdom Lake. It was barely daybreak when we arrived. Somehow I got it that if I could get to the top of one of the mesas that surrounded the area of the lake I would receive some kind of an important message.
I had many obstacles to overcome in my determination to reach the spot that I was drawn to. My passion to reach the top of the mesa overshadowed my fear of heights. The sandstone crumbled beneath my feet. I got a large barbed thorn in the side of my thigh. I pulled it out and kept going. My eye caught sight of a rock that was yellow on the left side and red on the right side. Gazing at the rock, I knew that the message was that either you do it or you don’t. There is no “sort of” doing.
In the movie, “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” Indiana Jones thinks he has found where the Ark is hidden. Indiana notices that the floor appears to be moving. When a torch is dropped into the darkness, Indiana realizes that the movement on the floor is snakes. Indiana rolls back and says, “Snakes. Why does it have to be snakes?” Snakes were his greatest fear.
My greatest fear, even greater than my fear of heights, was my fear of spiders. As I approached the top of the mesa, I came to a grove of cedar trees whose branches were almost touching the ground. Black spiders had woven their webs like a thick tapestry from one tree to another. The webs were like a force field with spiders tending each and every one of them. I made an assessment and realized that because of the rocks and cliffs, there was no other way to reach the top of the mesa but to go through the grove of cedar trees. I got on my belly, apologized to the spiders and explained that I was on a mission and that in order to complete my mission, I had to go through their homes. Through the thick webs I went, sending out peace and asking for pardon. The distance may have been only about 10 feet, yet I promise you it seemed like it took hours to get through the grove.
The sun came up over the mesas to the East and shone on a little clearing. I knew that was where I was to go to receive my message. I found my perfect spot in the clearing, held a rock in one hand and a stick in the other to ground myself. As the sun touched my body, I heard very clearly the words, “Feed the People!”
About that time my 2 friends reached the clearing. I was deep into my spiritual experience and kept my eyes closed. I heard them frantically exclaiming, “Let’s get out of here! There is a bumble bee nest in the ground!” They promptly left.
I have always thought that it was interesting that the bumble bees didn’t bother me and that I apparently didn’t bother them, even though the nest was just a few feet away from where I knelt.
I wasn’t quite sure what to make of the message that I had received that day. What I noticed though was that as the days unfolded, several things began to occur. I decided that I wanted to plant a garden. I researched organic gardening, invited several of my Flower Child friends to come and turn the Earth, and had one of the first organic gardens in the area. People came in droves to learn what I was doing there.
Next, I had become vegetarian. My diet centered around brown rice and unleavened whole wheat bread. My kitchen became a meeting place for people to learn how to cook natural food from scratch.
Then I started a food co-op, Natural Goodness Farms. The co-op created an avenue for people to purchase whole, organic, natural food.
In time, I realized that I was living my Purpose. I was living the message that I had heard at daybreak on the mesa, “Feed the People.”

Are you on Purpose with your life today? If the answer is no, then I urge you to take some time to get quiet, spend some time with yourself and realize what that Purpose is. Then take the steps to live your life on Purpose. It is a decision you will always be happy that you made. If the answer is yes, the celebrate your Purpose today!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Set no limitations on the power of thought

This is an excerpt from my exciting, upcoming book:

“My doctors told me I would never walk again. My mother told me I would. I believed my mother.” Wilma Rudolph. Wilma chose to believe the positive. She chose the belief that would take her to greatness rather than the belief that would take her to being a victim. Most people would have told her that what she was attempting was impossible.
At the 1960 Rome Olympics, Rudolph became "the fastest woman in the world" and the first American woman to win three gold medals in one Olympics. She won the 100- and 200-meter races and anchored the U.S. team to victory in the 4 x 100-meter relay, breaking records along the way.
In the 100, she tied the world record of 11.3 seconds in the semifinals, then won the final by three yards in 11.0. However, because of a 2.75-meter per second wind -- above the acceptable limit of two meters per second -- she didn't receive credit for a world record. In the 200, she broke the Olympic record in the opening heat in 23.2 seconds and won the final in 24.0 seconds. In the relay, Rudolph, despite a poor baton pass, overtook Germany's anchor leg, and the Americans, all women from Tennessee State, took the gold in 44.5 seconds after setting a world record of 44.4 seconds in the semifinals.
Have you ever done something that others said was impossible?
Attitudes are more important than facts!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Heart Made Whole

Jeffery, (not his real name) came to me for help when he was in the midst of extreme emotional angst and marital discord. This was Jeffery's second marriage. Jeffery and his current wife had been separated multiple times. He endured roller coaster emotions as his current wife continued to want to leave him. Jeffery's first marriage was with a woman who suffered from alcoholism.

In just a few sessions, Jeffery learned the connection between his pattern with emotionally unavailable women and his emotionally unavailable parents. His Dad had left when Jeffery was a small child, and his Mother suffered from the emotional mood swings of bi-polar disorder.

As a child, Jeffery felt alone. Jeffery became terrified of abandonment. As he grew into adulthood, Jeffery developed many skills to keep himself from being abandoned. His fear, however, was always there, and he continued to unconsciously select emotionally unavailable, abandoning partners.

I saw him once in a full blown panic attack at the thought of his second wife not wanting him anymore.These panic attacks had become commonplace for Jeffery. Jeffery connected with the small, frightened child in his heart, re-parented him to bring the child love, security and safety. The panic attacks stopped. Jeffery accepted his wife's unavailability, accepted the divorce and went on to rebuild his life. Jeffery is now in a loving supportive relationship. He accomplished this in just 7 months! Jeffery had made his heart whole.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Make it come to you

“Some say go for it. I say make it come to you.” Garfield

I like to think of using tools for Conscious Creating to be like riding on an air mattress on top of the water. To live your life efforting, trying, manipulating, stressing and winding up out of the flow, exhausted and with results that are minimal and not lasting is like swimming underwater in the moss. When you are on top of the water, you will glide through your life in joy and with ease.
I once spotted a beautiful heron on the other side of a fairly small lake. I wanted to go see the pretty bird. I hopped on the air mattress and away I went. In a short period of time, I was on the other side of the lake, gazing at the bird. If I had tried to swim it, I would have been out there for hours. I realized that day that we are at choice about whether we use what is available to us spiritually and create our lives with empowerment and ease, or whether we struggle.

In using the tools of affirmations, opening our hearts, staying focused on solutions and living in gratitude, we are consciously making choices about the outcomes we desire. In just a few minutes per day, we can determine what we want for ourselves that day, affirm those outcomes with the power of the spoken word, and with our hearts open, watch it unfold as we are nudged via our intuition as to any steps that we need to take to do our part. Having successful results really is this simple and easy!

Hop on board the air mattress! The water is fine!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Shake it Off and Step Up!

A parable is told of a farmer who owned an old mule. The mule fell into the farmer's well. The water wasn't very deep, so the mule could stand on the bottom. The farmer heard the mule braying. After carefully assessing the situation, the farmer sympathized with the mule, yet he saw no hope of saving the mule nor the well. He called his neighbors together and enlisted them to help haul dirt to bury the old mule in the well and put him out of his misery.
Initially, the old mule was hysterical. But as the farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling and the dirt hit his back, a thought struck the mule. It suddenly dawned on him that every time a shovel load of dirt landed on his back, he could shake it off and step up!
This he did, shovel full after shovel full. " Shake it off and step up..shake it off and step up, the old mule repeated to encourage himself. The old mule fought panic and just kept right on shaking it off and stepping up. It wasn't long before the old mule, stepped triumphantly over the wall of the well. What seemed like it would bury him actually helped him because of the manner in which he handled his adversity.
Let us learn from the old mule!
Stay focused on the outcomes you desire. Stay determined! If something makes your heart sing, DO IT! Do it NOW! Whatever seems heavy to you, speak your positive words of the outcome you desire. Stay focused on the solution. You really don't have to get buried at the bottom of a well. There are always solutions. Shake it off and step up to your great life NOW!

Friday, April 9, 2010

If I rescue you will you rescue me?

The dynamics that drive the train in a relationship can lie deeply below the surface. Through hypnotic regression, the keys to unlocking long standing destructive patterns can be revealed and changed to healthy, self supporting patterns.

The following is a true story about a client who came to me very distraught about her love life. Cindy is not her real name. I hope from reading Cindy's story you can more fully understand how the driving force of the subconscious mind comes into play in our relationships.

Cindy had married and divorced four alcoholic men when she sought help for her life. The first three men were actively drinking when she married them. The fourth was not. About six months into the marriage, he suffered a trauma and began to drink to cope. Soon, he exhibited all the behaviors typical to the alcoholic and Cindy got her forth divorce.
Using hypnotic regression, Cindy began to relate that her mother had been alcoholic during her childhood. Her mother had been raped at age twelve, and had learned to drink to cope with her own emotional pain.
At age six, Cindy, feeling alone, abandoned and needing love, decided, “If I make Mother happy, she won’t drink and she will be there to give me love.”
I coached her to re-educate the Child to see that she can’t “make” someone else happy. That desire has to come from within the person. I then helped the Adult to bond with the Child, having her tell the Child, “I am your mother and father now. I will never leave you. I love you unconditionally, just as you are. And even when I leave this Earth life, you will be right in my heart, forevermore.” The bonding was successful.
In a short period of time, Cindy met a wonderful sober young man. They fell in love and established a happy, healthy relationship.

Often people try to tough it out and make things happen in relationships. There is truly an easier way and this way is through hypnotherapy.

If you or someone you love is struggling or in strife in their relationships, I would love to help you and your loved ones discover their unconscious patterns that cause love goals to not be fulfilled! It is so simple and the rewards are great!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Everything is Possible!

Sally came to me as a nervous, scared woman. Sally's romantic relationship was in shambles. Sally felt used financially in this relationship, and justifiably so. Although Sally is a pretty woman, her body showed signs of neglect, including about 35 pounds of excess weight. Sally was overworked at her job, and her compensation did not match her hours.

With Life Success Coaching, Sally began to learn that her thoughts create her life. She learned that there were messages from childhood that were hampering her current day fulfillment. She learned how to change those childhood messages to ones that supported her in living an empowered, happy life. I coached her to see that the angst she was experiencing was not HERS. The angst was coming from a conflict between her True Self and the Programmed Childhood Self.

Over the next few months, Sally began to see herself through new eyes. She said goodbye to the unappreciative boyfriend. She joined a gym and works out regularly. Sally took a yoga class and practices faithfully. Sally can now look in the mirror and say "I love you" and mean it. As a result of her new found Self love and Self awareness, the chatter in her head that was draining her energy have now become silent. Sally asserted herself at work and renegotiated a new salary and structure of hours.

With the help of Life Success Coaching, Sally has accomplished all of this in just 16 months!

Go Sally!!

Why should anyone struggle when every challenge has a solution?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

In the Flow of Good

I arrived for my beauty services at the designated time, Friday at 10 a.m.. My technician was, for the first time in over a decade, not there. We have a standing appointment for every 4 weeks, and I was baffled. No one had seen her that day. I called her cell and got her voice mail. Where was she??

I waited 20 minutes and she still did not show. I decided to not be irritated, but instead, to know that everything was in the flow.

My technician called later that day. She too was baffled, as my appointment hadn't shown on her schedule. Apparently, when her calendar rolled over to the new year, that particular appointment time didn't transfer. She rescheduled me for the following week.

When I arrived at the newly scheduled time, my technician (who is also a client) shared with me a sizable challenge that had occurred on Friday evening (the day of my original appointment.) A former beau had contacted her and brought up quite a pile of "stuff" for her. During the beauty services, I was able to coach her through to a deeper understanding of her experience and help her find peace. My technician experienced a big "aha!"

We both realized that there was a flow to the rescheduling of the appointment. Had she seen me on the Friday morning that was my normal time, the event that challenged her would not have yet occurred. Because we got together the week following the event, I was able to help her on her journey with an issue that had been huge for her.

In trusting the flow, we can live in peace and allow the wondrous good that always has the potential to unfold.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Are you efforting?

Miracle's ashes were spread, blowing in freedom to the four winds. I was now ready for a new dog. Cherri had spoken the word for my next dog a few minutes after Miracle passed. I heard her words, but my heart wasn't into it and I wasn't ready.

Almost a month had passed since Miracle's departure. As the days went on, I had been feeling the hole in my heart and in the heart of my clients that Miracle's passing had left more and more. My clients adored her, and wept for her passing. I went on I registered with I spent hours cruising through the pictures of hundreds of dogs needing homes. I stared at the screen, knowing that my perfect dog was out there somewhere and I just wasn't finding her.The more I looked, the more ready I felt to accept a new dog into my heart and into my space. I felt a connection with a dog through the ethers. I could feel her sweet heart. I sensed that her owners couldn't keep her. I saw a red collar around her neck. I knew that the dog that was to be "my" dog was a female Lab. I just couldn't seem to find her! One night, I was going through the countless pictures and descriptions and I felt a profound sense of longing. It felt as though I was trying to make something happen. I was coming from lack. I was efforting....and I KNOW better. I felt like a love addict longing and desperate for love.

I knew that Miracle was in Spirit, yet I had the box of ashes I needed to do something with. I have a client whose husband had passed last summer. She had spread the husband's ashes and felt such freedom from doing so. My client challenged me as to why I hadn't done something with Miracle's ashes. On Sunday I realized that my client was coming in the next day, and there was no way I was going to admit to her that I hadn't dealt with those ashes. So spread them I did. I was surprised that the ritual was as heartfelt as it was. I experienced a "final honoring" of my beloved pet.

On Monday night, I called Cherri. Cherri is Native American and is very in tune with animals. I told Cherri that I was now ready for my dog. I spoke my word that the dog that was perfect for me in every way would find her way to me or I to her. I spoke my word with authority and clarity.

The very next day, Cherri received an email from a friend. The friend's email had a list with pictures of 10 dogs needing homes. Cherri usually deletes these, but this time, she decided to send me the email. Cherri's note said, "Be sure and check out #9." Dog #9 was a black male Lab in Sulphur Springs Texas, and was being housed at the Sulphur Springs Animal Control Shelter. Even though I wanted a yellow female Lab, I didn't want to be hard headed, and I wanted to be open to the possibilities of my good, perhaps coming to me in ways that I could not see. I called and left a message. The following day I received a call from a woman, Cindy, who said that Denise at the shelter had called her and related to her that I was looking for a yellow female Lab. Cindy said that she had a young female Lab that she could no longer keep. As Cindy told me the story about her dog, I knew that she was the dog I had been looking for. I was so excited I could hardly stand it. Then I thought, "When will I ever have time to make the 2 hour drive to Sulphur Springs to get her?" As I was finishing my thought, Cindy said, "We will be happy to bring her to you." Wow. How easy was all that??

I had been sitting there for countless hours........efforting.......and all I had to do was speak my word with 100% conviction, and my dog was there with me in the blink of an eye. I named her Grace. She is wonderful!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Accentuate the Positive!

I remember a song from my childhood that started out, "You've got to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative, don't mess with Mister in-between.

All around us, in the news, casual conversation, phone calls with loved ones and friends, negativity abounds. As a whole, we have a tendency to focus on what is wrong rather than what is going right.

In my passion to stay positive and uplift others in doing so as well, I have increased my outreach. I am now posting positive affirmations each day on Twitter (

I am writing via the blog site here, sharing stories to inspire and to educate, sharing with others what I am learning along my journey.

Writing can be a great form of uplifting oneself as well!I feel uplifted every time I write, so I encourage you to jump in there and say what's on your mind! Who knows? Something you have to say might change someone's day!

If there are topics that you would like for me to write about, I would love to hear your requests ( I will probably have something to say! :)

As you go through this day, I encourage you to focus on accentuating the positive and see how quickly your heart is uplifted. An uplifted heart creates a joyful, successful life. Enjoy yourself!!

Here are the words to the song that still rings in my mind from long ago:


(Johnny Mercer / Harold Arlen)

You've got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between

You've got to spread joy up to the maximum
Bring gloom down to the minimum
Have faith or pandemonium
Liable to walk upon the scene

(To illustrate his last remark
Jonah in the whale, Noah in the ark
What did they do
Just when everything looked so dark)

Man, they said we better
Accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between
No, do not mess with Mister In-Between
Do you hear me, hmm?

(Oh, listen to me children and-a you will hear
About the elininatin' of the negative
And the accent on the positive)
And gather 'round me children if you're willin'
And sit tight while I start reviewin'
The attitude of doin' right

(You've gotta accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between)

You've got to spread joy (up to the maximum)
Bring gloom (down) down to the minimum
Otherwise (otherwise) pandemonium
Liable to walk upon the scene

To illustrate (well illustrate) my last remark (you got the floor)
Jonah in the whale, Noah in the ark
What did they say (what did they say)
Say when everything looked so dark

Man, they said we better
Accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between
No! Don't mess with Mister In-Between

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

She claimed it!

I have a dear friend whose birthday is near Christmas. I have known this friend for about 15 years. Each year, her birthday seems to get postponed. We have even celebrated her birthday at Easter! Often, the celebration takes place a few weeks into the new year.

This last December, we discussed her birthday. I made a comment about her birthday and said, "Who knows when we will actually celebrate it this time!"

My friend answered firmly, "This year we will celebrate my birthday on time." Her words were spoken with certainty and resolve.

A few days before her birthday, I received an invitation to have dinner with my friend and her husband. Since it was so close to her birthday, I asked her if it were okay for me to bring her presents. My friend expressed that she was open, and that whatever I wanted to do was fine with her.

It felt weird to be having her birthday party and it wasn't even the new year yet. I brought the presents and we had a wonderful time! I said to my friend, "Wow I can hardly believe that we are actually celebrating your birthday not only on time but 2 days early!" Then I remembered her words, "This year we will celebrate my birthday on time."

As you go through this day, I encourage you to remember the power of your commitments and the power of your spoken words. You can steer your ship, or you can let the winds of life choose for you. What works best for you?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Miracle's last Miracle

My wonderful and faithful dog Miracle made her transition this last Wednesday.

Miracle had lost her hearing several months ago. I asked myself if it bothered her that she couldn't hear any longer.

Tisha, my very in tune daughter in love, had some time alone with Miracle. I knew that Tisha sensed that Miracle wouldn't be with us much longer, but in her wisdom, she didn't mention it to me until much later.

What I observed during the months that followed answered my question. I watched her lose her zest for life. I sensed that she felt as though her purpose as a protector had diminished. I watched as she grew tired earlier and earlier during our walks. Then on October 27, Miracle was given a terminal diagnosis.

I know that we are Spirit and beyond diagnoses and prognoses. I have known people who have made a decision to live after receiving a "terminal" diagnosis. Multiple times I have witnessed the correlation between a person's or a pet's will to live and the state of their health.

I also believe in the eternity of all life.

I sat with Miracle on the floor and told her that if she wanted to live, she was going to have to live up to her name and pull off a Miracle. She continued to dwindle and lose her hold on life. I sensed that she was torn between staying with me and coming back and getting to be a puppy again.

I was determined to let her go if that was what she wanted to do. Many times I held her and thanked her for all that she had brought to me and to my clients who loved her dearly. I told her over and over that it was okay to go, and that while I would grieve and miss her, I was willing to let her go. Something that my son Sunny said really helped me with this readiness. Sunny asked me if I could let her go so that some other "old soul dog" could come and share some good times with me. Sunny, too, knew she would be leaving. Sunny commented that at a time like this, my spiritual beliefs would be challenged. He was correct.

The last month of her life became very stressful for me because her appetite changed and what she would eat varied from day to day. For a mom type person, not being able to get my dog to eat was upsetting. I knew what it meant. She was preparing to leave.

I was in a lot of fear that it would be her time to go, and would need help doing so, and I wouldn't get it. While I teach and totally know that saying "I don't know" closes the door to the answer, I kept saying "What if I don't know?" It was a huge issue for me accompanied by many tears. I wanted to do it right for her; I wanted to be spiritually in tune. But I didn't feel in tune. I didn't trust myself with this important decision. I wanted to do it right by my precious Miracle.

Saturday night before she transitioned, she had become so weak that she fell on my kitchen floor and couldn't get up. She lay there with legs spread, whimpering, and unable to get herself up. The whimpering told me that she needed help. I held her and asked her to please go without my having to make the call to euthanize her. I lay blankets all over the hardwood floors to help her have some traction so it wouldn't happen again.

I called the vet on Monday morning. Miracle was better that day and I told the vet, "Today is not the day." I emailed my Native American friend Cherri and asked her if she could be with Miracle at noon on Wednesday. She agreed. How did I know that?? I suspect that, while I kept being afraid that I wouldn't know, I kept affirming that I WOULD know. I affirmed that I would know what was best. I affirmed that I would know when it was time.

Still, I kept being in fear and angst about "What if I don't know."

On Tuesday evening, Miracle let herself outside and didn't have the strength to get back inside. I let her in and she was so cold, and didn't warm up as she normally would. I covered her with heavy towels. I knew Miracle's hold on life was very thin, and that her circulation was shutting down.

The greatest blessing she gave me that night was creating space for me to hold her and say my farewell. I realized that all through that time, I had told her it was okay to go but I hadn't told her goodbye. I did so that night and it felt awful. It felt horrible. I hate goodbyes. Goodbyes have been a huge trauma for me in my life and here it was again. It dawned on me that it wasn't really goodbye, because at some time we will see each other again in this life or another. I changed it to "See you later" and I felt peace.

I told her to be sure and pick a family next time who would be good to her and love her as much as I did.

The next morning, I awakened, and heard the words of my guidance, "It's time." Then I heard her crying at the back door to come in. Again, she was too weak to come in on her own. I listened to my guidance, and made arrangements for the vet, Cherri, and my son Christian to be here.

Miracle came in to greet and share love with my clients all that morning. The clients were all so in tune that they knew she was leaving though I said nothing. Miracle's last act of service was sharing love with a client who had been horribly abused in his childhood who is struggling to get his heart back. I took pictures. Miracle only had a few minutes left on this earth and one more time, she was helping someone get their heart back.

Miracle's passing was peaceful and she was surrounded with so much love, prayers and Native American blessings.

That afternoon, I was in session with clients and I felt her spirit so strongly. There will always be a connection of love.

I am so thankful that she helped me get yet another part of my heart back. It really IS okay to say goodbye because all goodbyes are really "see you later." And perhaps, since Miracle had been an abandoned dog, we all, through loving her, helped Miracle get her heart back as well.

Thank you Miracle!! Thank you!!